It's the little things that Count.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Indie Session at the Guerroro Gallery...An art and fashion showcase designed to connect local artists and designers to the SF community!

I have never attended anything like this before!!!  Sure glad I did because it was a fun experience and nice to see other people come out with their own art & talent. Alot of friends also came out to show some love & support. Everyone did such a wonderful job! I am sooo happy for one of my girls Jo Anne who put this together along with her Capoeira group as a fundraiser. Jo Anne actually has a boutique featuring curated vintage and modern clothing  called Golden Grey  & you can check out her website @ She has a bunch of cute stuff on there, especially if you some VINTAGE!!! Some of our friends actually modeled.. Way to go Erik and Kev... Hi Five!!! 
Also, since one of my BF's Amber recently came out with her own creative Skylar Aleksandr (hair candy), Jo invited her who are friends as well to come out and show off her goodies!!!  Amber's website is actually coming out real soon so stay tuned!   

 *Pictures Galore* below of the Vendors & their Awesome sense of style.  So sorry I didn't get a chance to take a few of the other vendors...  Hope you guys enjoy!  The atmosphere was GREAT and I would looove attending something like this again!!! 

*Click pics to enlarge*

Golden Grey

Skylar Aleksandr

Mary Meg Vinspirationals (I love this!)

May and June

Martini Bar

Mariele Williams

Umbrella Shirts
Bahama Kangaroo

Blakbird Bazaar

Ideum Apparel


  1. hi :) i helped jo anne at the indie your blog, it's so cute! i'm def following ;) your pics are awesome btw!

  2. Hey Megan! I'm glad you likey! Thank you so much for your kind words! Appreciate it! Take care xoxo
